Sample News Stories

By region

Story types

STORIES. Our stories each day give subscribers a complete picture of Southern California. CNS has full-time reporters covering all the important beats, such as City Hall, County Supervisors, Criminal Courts, Federal Courts, Civil Courts and police headquarters around the clock. General assignment reporters and highly respected desk editors round out the staff. And, of course, CNS reporters are always focused on the stars and the business of Hollywood's entertainment industry.
Los Angeles Samples | San Diego Samples | Riverside Samples

HEADS. On a regular basis, CNS summarizes the top broadcast headlines.
L.A. & Orange County Samples | San Diego Samples

BUDGETS. The CNS Budget is the "Bible" of more than a hundred Southern California news operations. Despite its name, it is not a financial document. It is probably the world's most extensive regional listing of upcoming news events. Every morning, editors from the nation's largest newspapers, TV and radio stations rely on it to decide which stories to cover. Each Budget item lists everything an assignment desk needs to know before coverage decisions are made. But the CNS Budget is also invaluable for non-media business and government subscribers. This is the key to unlock the otherwise secret plans for upcoming news events that may directly affect you. CNS runs hundreds of Budget items each day.
L.A. & Orange County Samples | San Diego Samples | Riverside Samples

WEEK-AHEAD BUDGETS. In addition to daily Budgets showing what's going to happen on following days, CNS runs "week-ahead" Budgets for planning each week in advance. There is also a Courts "Week-Ahead" Budget. They list upcoming news-intensive court cases. These "week-ahead" Budgets generally run Thursday and Friday evenings for the following weeks.
L.A. & Orange County Samples | San Diego Samples | Riverside Samples

ADVISORIES. As just about everyone in the world knows by now, major news in Southern California can break without warning at any time. CNS immediately transmits news of these major breaking stories with Advisories. These are short notices to subscribers with instant alerts; longer stories will then be run to provide increasing amounts of detail as each story warrants. Advisories are also carried to alert the media to any upcoming news event that has been scheduled on short notice, without time to be reserved for the Budget.
L.A. & Orange County Samples | San Diego Samples | Riverside Samples

All above links to CNS materials are for demonstration only and may not be used for any purpose whatsoever, including publication, broadcast or retransmission. CNS materials are from past news cycles and are not current.